Pranikheko kalasagacha or picara plant
This is a picara pitcher plant or plant images. So read the story and picture books, television or newspapers picara pranikheko plant. But brksamela - the 01's to go and witness saw pranikheko kalasagacha. 'Picara plant' (Pitcher plants), or pitcher plant adinibasa South - East Asia. This plant is also rainy South America, North America and astreliyara South - West region is available. Nepenathesa (Nepenthes) gotrabhukta gachatira peculiarity being the hunter, putting the long rays of the mouth of a funnel shape, or cona. Some of the trees start to narrow the funnel picara plant large canopy at the top of the cap. Animals are attracted to the inside of the cap barnila of sweet liquid. The various species of plants of sweet fluid tanei pakhisaha come. The animals face or body is inserted in a funnel or conara phokare off the mouth of the funnel above gachati. Danger, trap animals stuck gachatira Search page. I have not been out of the way. These plants trap sikarake avid hunter and make it a special event. In most cases, the plant or picara karmatatpara Asian pitcher These plants have a trap kalasera adale drstinandana. I have honey. Kalase bright color blind or wave khelano picara Asian side of the plant. The lid is adhakhola. Madhulobhi insects eat the honey and lime, but I kalasera kanaya. I have kalasera romasa and slippery body. The inside of an insect when I could not. Khude insects could ensnare a few hours in the digestion of the kalasagacha. However, no flies or insects to digest than gachatira may take a few days. Some of the pitcher plant pitcher is so easy that it rains his two gallons (half a liter) of water. This water to drink a lot of time khude birds, frogs, or the chameleon like creatures become prey gachatira. Carnivorous plants mostly born in the area damp. Sagaraprstha from the hilly areas of their deployment. Other than the North American continent leaves the plant abundance of trap. Bisaradara plants, and trees in the way of the rat, lizard, butterflies, tree frogs, including the victim.
References: - Wikipedia and the Internet. The image space: brksamela - the 01's, Sher-e-Nagar, Dhaka. Date: September / 06 / and 01 2im, Time: 05:07 p.m. Minutes
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